Virtual Hosting Company is excited to announce our upcoming Twelve Days of Christmas Specials. Over the course of the next few days, we’re going to have one new special go live each day, culminating in the December 24th ’12th day of Christmas’ special. Each day, at about 6:00, we’ll announce via our Website, our Facebook Page, and our Twitter Account, the special that starts that day.
To make the 2017 Twelve Days of Christmas special even more interesting, each deal will remain active (a la the 12 Days of Christmas song) through the last day of Christmas. So, our deal on the First Day of Christmas will be live until the Twelfth Day of Christmas (provided, of course, the limit has not been reached).
So, get ready to take advantage of our 2017 Twelve Days of Christmas specials. The First Day of Christmas will go live on December 13th.
Make sure to like our Facebook Page, our Twitter, and our Google Plus Page. You never know when we’ll post a secret special!