Hardware Diagnostics


We’ll come on-site and diagnose your computer problems; provide you with a recommendation for repairs, replacements, or upgrades; and work towards resolving the issue(s) you’re experiencing.


  • Hardware Diagnostics
  • Software Diagnostics
  • System Report
  • Recommendations for Repair

Note: If you decide to go with our recommendations, this fee will be reduced and merged with the invoice for the overall repair fees.

Virus Removal

$75 for 3 Hours

Let us provide your antidote! Our technician work for up to three hours to remove your virus and restore your system to its’ previous state.

  • Virus Scan and Removal
  • Rootkit Scan and Removal
  • Malware Scan and Removal
  • AntiVirus Software Installation

Includes up to three hours of removal services.  Additional time billed at $25.00/hour. Special Note: Non-virus related services will be charged as a separate service.

Networking Setup and Security

$75 Starting Price

Wireless or Wired; existing hardware or new; let us determine your needs and make suggestions to get you going.

  • Diagnostics of existing Network
  • Modifications of existing Network
  • Creation of Network from Ground Up
  • Securing of Wireless Network
  • Network Diagram of Completed Network
  • Additional Hardware  & Cabling

Hardware Installation

$25 / hr

We can update or replace your Motherboard, Power Supply, Hard Disk Drive, RAM, and Expansion Cards. We handle hardware and upgrades on both Personal Computers and Apple Systems.

  • Motherboard
  • Power Supply
  • Hard Disk Drive
  • Random Access Memory (RAM)
  • Expansion Cards (Video Card, Network Adapters, etc.)

Operating System Reinstallation


A fresh reload of your systems’ Operating System, restoring your system to factory defaults or better.

  • Wiping of Hard Drive
  • Installation of Operating System*
  • Processing of all current updates
  • Installation of basic AntiVirus Software
  • Installation of basic AntiMalware Software

* = License / Certificate of Authenticity not included
A valid COA or CD Key is required for licensed software.

Frequently Asked Questions