Virtual Hosting Compnay is pleased to announce the current status of our Development of an IRC Provisionong Module for WHMCS.  This system can be used with WHMCS Billing Solutions to create IRC and IRCd Shells on a server automatically. It has the ability to create accounts/shells with variables including the Total number of Shell Processes to allow, the Storage limit to impose, the Connections allowed from the shell (incoming and outgoing), and more. Bouncer support is also included in the form of ZNC settings which will automatically create support tickets for each of the module calls for that type of account.

The module runs in two parts:
  1. The Billing Side Module - This portion of the system utilizes the 'Server' module configuration to allow the easy configuration of products for specific limitations. It can then feed information from those settings back to you (including current usage) so that you can visibly see where things are. The UsageUpdates are designed to run once a day, but can be configured to run more frequently via settings on the Server Side system. Photos attached below of progress thus far.

    • Options/Configuration
    • Account Type: ZNC, IRC, IRCd
    • Process Limit
    • Storage Limit
    • Network Limit (ZNC)
    • Connection Limit (IRCd)
    • Support Department -- Used for auto generated tickets, currently only used in the ZNC configurations.

    Photos of the configuration page listed below.
  2. The Server Side System - This portion of the system is designed to connect to the Billing System's database to obtain requests and update records. Configuration on this aspect will allow you to use either the Primary SQL Database login, or a secondary (custom) login with limited permissions.

    This system will check for Usage Updates, as well as Create, Suspend, Unsuspend, Terminate, Change Passwords, and Install software packages. This system relies on both bash and php capabilities on the server it is installed on.
Images/Screenshots (so far)

ZNC Configuration Settings for setting up a ZNC product.
ZNC Configuration Page

IRC Configuration Settings for setting up an IRC Shell product.
IRC Configuration Page

ZNC Product Account Details as visible from the Client side of the portal.
ZNC Client Page

IRC Shell Product Account Details as visible from the Client side of the portal. Note: Changed passwords through the Shell itself will NOT change the values listed on the billing system. However, passwords changed through the Client Side of the portal will change on the shell itself.
IRC Client Page

ZNC Product Administration displays the details for the account (specifically, for ZNC's, the number of connections. Since our Username and Server details are visible already, displaying them again here didn't make sense to me. This displays the configuration details as set up in the Configure Product images above.
ZNC Admin Page

IRC Shell Product Administration displays the details for the account. Again, since the Username and Server details are listed below, the only things we really need to list are the limits set up through the Configure Product page (that apply to this type of account).
IRC Admin Page

Pricing to be determined. More than likely a Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, Annual structure with a base license and sub-licenses for the servers. Still working that part out.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

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