IRC Clients – Login Notifications

Virtual Hosting Company is pleased to announce that our Login Notification System is no longer in beta. This updated system allows our clients to receive an e-mail with their login details, if desired, by simply typing NotifyMe while logged into their Shell Account. By default, login notifications are not enabled.
Clients accessing any of our IRC Shell Servers at this time will receive the following notification on logging in:
You are not set to receive Notifications upon Login. Type NotifyMe to enable Notifications
You are set to receive Notifications upon login to
You can disable this by typing DontNotifyMe
Upon enabling the Login Notification, the client will begin receiving notifications on login to the address on file. An example notification is displayed below.

Are you interested in adding this type of functionality to your own IRC Shell Hosting? Check out our IRC Provisioning System for WHMCS, which includes Login Notifications!