Upcoming Price Changes

Virtual Hosting Company is, in an effort to be transparent and clear with current and future clients, providing notice of upcoming price changes that will impact the Solutions we offer. As outlined in our Terms of Service, pricing for the solutions we offer is subject to change. Due to ongoing cost increases for licensing, IP address allocation, gateway fees, and server costs, a decision to increase pricing for the first time in years has been made. There was a lot of thought put into the decision to increase pricing; however, to continue to operate we must make changes.
When are prices changing?
We're setting a target date of December 1st, 2024, for all price changes to go live. This allows us to provide more than 30 days for our potential customers to get in on current pricing. It also allows for our team to, in the background, work updating the pricing details, packages, and pages related to these changes.
What is changing?
We'll be updating pricing for our IRC-based Solutions (IRC Bouncer Solutions, IRC Shell Solutions, IRC Server Shell Solutions), VPN Solutions, Website Hosting Solutions, Software Development Solutions (IRC Provisioning System for WHMCS, Custom Coding Solutions), and Server Solutions (LXC VPS Solutions, KVM VPS Solutions, Unmanaged Dedicated Server Solutions, Managed Dedicated Server Solutions).
Who will it impact?
These changes will apply to new orders only. This will impact both existing and new clients placing orders for new service effective December 1st.
What happens to my existing account?
Outside of potential Domain Pricing or licensing-specific changes, there are no changes to existing customer accounts. While we've grown, we've maintained pricing for our existing customers and plan to continue to do so. The only price changes that have had a direct impact on existing customers thus far have been Domain related price changes and licensing cost changes, which we have adjusted due to upstream cost increases. We've taken pride it not raising customer prices for items we can directly control.
What can I do now?
If you're a new or existing customer, and you're wanting to take advantage of our current pricing models, order your new Solution by December 1st! Any orders placed on or after December 1st will be subject to our updated pricing model.